At The Chuck Smith Group, we want our listings to stand head and shoulders above our competition. For that reason, we truly believe in the concept of STAGING YOUR HOME TO SELL. Chuck Smith has earned the designation of Accredited Staging Professional and is eager to pass along what he has learned to our valued clients.
As a seller, you must be willing to let go of:
- collections
- refrigerator art
- clutter
- your unique decorating style, and
- too much furniture.
Let go of your house, because, if well staged, priced correctly and marketed effectively, IT WILL SELL.
To get started, we suggest focusing on the Three C’s –cleanliness, color and clutter. You need to detail your house like you would detail your car if it were for sale.
- Cleanliness – your home needs to be q-tip clean and odor eliminated. Remember that the only good smell in your home is no smell at all. Deal with pet odor rather than covering it up with a scent.
- Color – think neutral. If you have bold color on the walls, consider re-painting with a neutral color that appeals to the majority of buyers. Continuity of color throughout the house is desirable.
- Clutter – this is the big one! Clutter eats equity. You are going to have to pack anyway when the house sells, so why not get an early start. Pack away your collections and books. Clear off all countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms. In the kitchen, pack away anything you don’t use on a daily basis. Buyers need to be able to visualize their things in your space. Reduce the amount of furniture and accessories to make the room feel as large as possible.
We are happy to help you implement these suggestions and can also refer you to professional home stagers if you would like to take it to the next level. The pay off is tremendous and well worth the effort.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for a staging consultation, just contact us.