Beginning June 1, 2008, sellers will need to disclose the following before entering into a contract to sell their property:
1) That the Property is located in unincorporated DeKalb County and contains a residence or other structure constructed prior to 1993, and 2) Buyer shall be obligated as a condition of applying for water service from DeKalb County to attach to the application a certificate of compliance signed by a home inspector, Department of Watershed Management inspector or licensed plumber certifying that all plumbing fixtures on the Property are water conserving plumbing fixtures.
A water conserving plumbing fixture shall mean the following: ultra low-flow toilets (ULFTs) that use a maximum of 1.6 gallons per flush; urinals that use a maximum of 1.0 gallons per flush; showerheads that emit a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute; lavatory faucets that emit a maximum of 2.0 gallons per minute; and kitchen faucets that emit a maximum of 2.2 gallons per minute.
This in effect will mean that any buyers making an offer on a home built before 1993 will most likely request that any non-conforming fixtures in the home be replaced.
If you have not already replaced your fixtures and you live in DeKalb County, please visit for more information on the Inefficient Plumbing Fixtures Replacement Plan.